Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Where Can Twitter Take You?

It's been about year since I began using Twitter professionally. My intent was to build collaboration for our 1:1 school district and stay in touch with educational opportunities. Little did I know that it would take me so far so fast. In just a short year I have had the opportunity to meet educators that never in my lifetime would I have had a chance to encounter. My excitement of collaboration through Twitter became viral at school. I soon had colleagues that were immersing themselves in Twitter and finding that they too were provided the same learning opportunities. These are my wonderful face-to-face collaborators who have been crazy enough to share the experience with me. Where would I be without @jackemoore, @shfarnsworth, @mr_ehn, @Mr_Bergman, @benpettyiowa, @karenhammers, and @cpoppens? Their day to day encounters keep me energized and excited in education.

So, where has Twitter taken me? It has taken me to neighbors in my backyard like #vanmeter, #newellfonda, #okoboji, #mnwcougars, #wsrconnect, and all the other members of #iowa1to1 who are also promoting 1:1 learning within Iowa. It took me to Massachusetts where I Skyped with @bhsprincipal who is beginning the 1:1 implementation process. I can't forget @ShellTerrell in Germany who amazed us all by hosting a 48 hour marathon education conference, #RSCON10, entirely online. I was up at all hours of the night just to participate! All of these individuals have led me places and have truly contributed to making me the educator I am today.

Wait?! There's more! I cannot forget last week when I spent time with @Laures6 as we explored the Ustream.tv potential. Or, @shannonmmiller for sharing the site with me! And, just this week I received a huge hug from a solider within our community for broadcasting the Veteran's Day ceremony and winter music programs on Ustream.tv while he was stationed overseas. Amazing tools, amazing people and even more. .  amazing opportunities.

Oh, it gets better! I can feel the impact on my students and fellow educators. I've had the opportunity to discuss education in Iowa with @jasonglass, Iowa's new State Director of Education, and commented on his blog. My book club has started collaborating with @ccassinelli and her book club in Portland, Oregon. I've got my elementary library classes writing on blogs and am looking myself for guidance from the inspiring educator, @Grade1, from Ontario, Canada.

Did I mention my trip to Sweden? Yes, Sweden! Because of Twitter? Really? Absolutely! I am fortunate enough to be traveling along with @shfarnsworth and five of her AP students as we meet up with @jnoonan and his students! Yes, @shfarnsworth and @jnoonan met on Twitter and began team-teaching which led to the trip! The students became close friends and now I'm planning for an experience of a lifetime.

Well, you may think what other direction could Twitter take me? For that I don't have an answer but, whatever, wherever....I'm ready! Hold on tight! It could be a wild ride!