Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Where Can Twitter Take You?

It's been about year since I began using Twitter professionally. My intent was to build collaboration for our 1:1 school district and stay in touch with educational opportunities. Little did I know that it would take me so far so fast. In just a short year I have had the opportunity to meet educators that never in my lifetime would I have had a chance to encounter. My excitement of collaboration through Twitter became viral at school. I soon had colleagues that were immersing themselves in Twitter and finding that they too were provided the same learning opportunities. These are my wonderful face-to-face collaborators who have been crazy enough to share the experience with me. Where would I be without @jackemoore, @shfarnsworth, @mr_ehn, @Mr_Bergman, @benpettyiowa, @karenhammers, and @cpoppens? Their day to day encounters keep me energized and excited in education.

So, where has Twitter taken me? It has taken me to neighbors in my backyard like #vanmeter, #newellfonda, #okoboji, #mnwcougars, #wsrconnect, and all the other members of #iowa1to1 who are also promoting 1:1 learning within Iowa. It took me to Massachusetts where I Skyped with @bhsprincipal who is beginning the 1:1 implementation process. I can't forget @ShellTerrell in Germany who amazed us all by hosting a 48 hour marathon education conference, #RSCON10, entirely online. I was up at all hours of the night just to participate! All of these individuals have led me places and have truly contributed to making me the educator I am today.

Wait?! There's more! I cannot forget last week when I spent time with @Laures6 as we explored the Ustream.tv potential. Or, @shannonmmiller for sharing the site with me! And, just this week I received a huge hug from a solider within our community for broadcasting the Veteran's Day ceremony and winter music programs on Ustream.tv while he was stationed overseas. Amazing tools, amazing people and even more. .  amazing opportunities.

Oh, it gets better! I can feel the impact on my students and fellow educators. I've had the opportunity to discuss education in Iowa with @jasonglass, Iowa's new State Director of Education, and commented on his blog. My book club has started collaborating with @ccassinelli and her book club in Portland, Oregon. I've got my elementary library classes writing on blogs and am looking myself for guidance from the inspiring educator, @Grade1, from Ontario, Canada.

Did I mention my trip to Sweden? Yes, Sweden! Because of Twitter? Really? Absolutely! I am fortunate enough to be traveling along with @shfarnsworth and five of her AP students as we meet up with @jnoonan and his students! Yes, @shfarnsworth and @jnoonan met on Twitter and began team-teaching which led to the trip! The students became close friends and now I'm planning for an experience of a lifetime.

Well, you may think what other direction could Twitter take me? For that I don't have an answer but, whatever, wherever....I'm ready! Hold on tight! It could be a wild ride!

1 comment:

  1. Perfect timing! My UNI students, preservice educators, just joined Twitter to expand their personal learning networks. Thanks for articulating how Twitter has benefited your own professional development and what my students can look forward to!
